Terms of PKG Assessment Team
Teacher evaluations are conducted at the school by the principal. If the Principal is unable to exercise its own (for example, because the number of teachers who rated> 10 Teachers), the Principal may appoint a Coordinator of Master Trustees or CLA as an appraiser.
A. Criteria Appraisal
Assessors must have the following criteria:
• Held the position / rank equals the lowest position / rank teachers / principals are assessed.
• Have a Certificate of Educators.
• Have an appropriate educational background and a master field of study
• Teacher / Principal will be assessed.
• Have a high commitment to actively participate in improving the quality of learning.
• Has integrity, honest, fair, and open.
• Understand and declared PK TEACHERS have the expertise and are able to assess the performance of teacher / Principal.
In the case of Principal, Supervisor, Teacher of Trustees, and the Coordinator of CLA has a background of different fields of study with a teacher who will be assessed, the assessment can be conducted by the Principal and / or Teacher Trustees / Coordinator of CLA from other schools or by the Superintendent of the district / city else already has a teaching certificate and understand PK TEACHER. This applies also to provide an assessment to Master Trustees.
B. Work Period Appraisal
Period of employment of teacher performance assessment team established by the Principal or the Department of Education no later than three (3) years. Performance is evaluated regularly by the assessor Principal or the Department of Education with regard to the principles applicable valuation. For schools in particular areas, teacher performance assessment conducted by the Principal and / or Teacher local coaches. The number of teachers that can be assessed by an assessor is 5 to 10 teachers per year.
C. Sanctions Assessment and Teacher
Appraisers and teachers assessed will be penalized if it violates the relevant principles of the implementation of the Teacher PK, causing Determination of Credit Amount (PAK) is obtained by unlawfully. These penalties are as follows:
• Dismissed as a Teacher or Principal and / or Supervisor.
• For the assessor, shall return the entire profession benefits, functional benefits, and all the awards ever received since the relevant PK TEACHER process.
• For the teacher shall return the entire profession benefits, functional benefits, and all the awards ever received from concerned to obtain and use the PAK generated from PK TEACHER #http://bantuan.siap-online.com/produk/padamu-negeri
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